ahhh oh my god.

So while I was super duper bored (it’s two in the morning, don’t judge me!) I decided to check out pixiv. And of course the first three people I check on that site are Gojoe, Bitte and then Kumota Haruko. And YAY, Kumota Haruko updated her pixiv!! Her new illustration is super cute and you can check it out here! However, I noticed in the description that she said it’s for volume one of something called シトロン (“citron”). It’s something I’d personally never heard of before, so I was very “what the fuck is this…?” and looked it up on amazon. Only to find, uh. Not-gay porn. So then I tried to go to Kumota Haruko’s site.

For a while it didn’t work and wouldn’t let me in, so I guess they were working on it. But after a few more times refreshing, access! A quick scan of her ‘releases’ area easily brought me to a link for Citron’s site, so I click it. And what do I happen to see?


(please ignore all of the tabs I have open, etc. I’m too lazy to edit that shit in PS.)

So she hasn’t updated her blog about this properly yet, but I’m 100% that’s the manga she was releasing in winter 2010! Okay so I know I seriously had to do a silent dance around the room to keep myself from squeaking in excitement when I saw it. Literally. This is what happens when you hit crazy!fujoshi level on the creepy meter—you get so fucking excited when your favorite mangaka releases something new that you literally flail around in excitement when you see it.

And the most super exciting part? This is supposedly the compilation of her stories that ran in Cab. Bro I recognize every single one of those characters! I’m about to cry tears of absolute glee here. It’s coming out on the first day of February, and I know I’m preordering the shit out of that bitch. (Though am I the only one confused as to why it’s not being released under Marble Comics and instead under a Libre publisher? Weird. I’ll be looking into why this is.)

But anyway, Aniya Yuiji’s glorious and spectacular manga release aside, on to Kumota Haruko news! The illustration she posted to her pixiv is supposedly part of her story for “citron” volume one! Citron is a new BL anthology that will be published under Libre. Volume one will be released March first, and I’m sure it’ll be something worth looking forward to considering both Aniya Yuiji and Kumota Haruko are linked to the label.

eta: hmm now that I think about it, that Morozumi Sumitomo manga is also the one that was running in Cab? What in the world? Plus, a lot of the authors who’re in Cab (Kumota, Aniya, Terashima, Kitabeppu, etc.) are going to be in Citron.

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